Shame on Howard if these claims are true …
(TMZ REPORTS) Terrence Howard has been accused by his ex-wife of beating her badly during a heated argument in Costa Rica … TMZ has learned.Michelle Ghent — who divorced Terrence in May but hooked up with him again recently … took a trip with Terrence and several of his family members to Costa Rica last week.  Sources say an argument erupted and she claims Terrence beat her up.

We’ve learned Terrence claims Michelle maced him, his adult daughter and another family member.  Police were called and reports were taken.

Sources say Terrence made up the mace story to cover his brutality.  Other sources connected to Terrence say Michelle is lying about the actor physically abusing her.

We’ve learned Michelle is going to court in an attempt to get a restraining order … forcing Terrence to stay clear of her.

TMZ previously reported … Michelle has accused Terrence of slugging her in the face and neck.  She also claimed the brutality started just 7 days after they were married.


Terrence Howard‘s ex-wife threatened to kill him and his family during an argument last week in Costa Rica … this according a police report obtained by TMZ.

TMZ broke the story … Michelle Ghent is going to court this morning … claiming Terrence physically abused her during the argument.  She wants a restraining order against the actor.

Terrence tells a radically different story.  According to the police report, the two of them had “a normal married fight” (even though they divorced in May), but he says things escalated when she threatened to kill him and his family, and then pulled out pepper spray and attacked him, his kids and his son-in-law. 

Terrence denies laying a finger on her, and says he only told her to stop as he retreated.

We’ve learned in today’s hearing, Terrence will give the judge text messages from last May, in which an angry Michelle writes, “I would start hiding if I were u.”  In another text she writes, “Be careful when u leave your place.  U should move.”  And in yet another she writes, “I know where u and ur family live.  Watch yourself.”

Michelle also texted back in May, “You need to be put down once and for all.  I will not stop until all knows who u are.” 

In the police report Terrence says Michelle tried to commit suicide 2 months ago and was hospitalized and diagnosed with paranoia.  And she seems to confirm that in one of the texts, in which she says, “I’m just insane.  I went to a crazy institute.”

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